
EU Funding Report
We can perform a comprehensive feasibility study to define to which extent your project ideas are in line with the current EU grant programs and regulations. Based on this feasibility study, we can prepare a customised EU Funding Report that represents a strategic roadmap on EU funding applications for your organisation. This report analyses and puts into context for specific EU funding applications the following details:
Your current projects, activities, and plans for the future;
Your existing annual reports and strategic board direction;
Your previous attempts to obtain EU funding;
Your network of partners and collaborators;
Your financial viability;
Your innovation potential (for technologies, services, concepts etc.);
Your project’s link with EU and national policies in the sector;
Your project’s transferability and EU added value.
As a result of this analysis, we offer strategic guidance on EU funding applications in the short and medium term for your organisation. This includes the following details:
Which of your existing projects or ideas are eligible for EU funding;
Which calls for proposals or tenders you could apply for and how much you could obtain;
Which partnership and co-financing amount is to be expected;
What feedback the European Commission may give you at a pre-evaluation stage;
What timescale, activities workplan and staff costs may be involved.
This EU Funding Report aims to ultimately provide you with an opportunity to improve awareness on the identification and access to available EU funding opportunities, which will be supported by guidance and advice on how to complete and submit EU funding applications. The likely outputs from this process will be an increased:
Understanding and confidence in engaging with EU funding processes;
Expertise and equipped skills to compete for EU funding;
Participation in EU funding applications;
EU funding success rates.
Exploitation and Dissemination of Project Results
The different EU grant authorities often stress that project partners must produce detailed exploitation and dissemination plans to make sure the practical use of the knowledge generated in the project and its industrial implementation. However, project partners often struggle to design significant exploitation plans, as this involves technical expertise going beyond their mandate and their scientific skills.
Our EU network have worked closely with project developers to address the technical barriers for transforming scientific outputs into viable innovations and support them to successfully penetrate the market. This includes industrial production, demonstrations and commercialisation of the results generated in the project implementation.
Our EU network have developed and tested an innovative and structured methodology for broader commercial exploitation of project results resulting in licensing deals and spin-off creation all over Europe. We can therefore act in support or as work package leaders in charge of commercialisation of those project deliverables which have an impact on the market and can be exploitable.
Monitoring and Evaluation of Project Results
Evaluation activities can help EU funded projects to be more strategic about the targeted stakeholders, the overall objectives of the different EU programs and the impacts expected on the ground. These activities are designed to make the project implementation more effective in terms of the impacts generated so that partners are better equipped to embark into the next tasks of a project work plan.
The key aim of evaluation activities is to design and articulate the work plan of the project in manners that can be tested at regular intervals. The evaluation process should indicate cases of positive performance as well as areas for improvement. The process may also identify unforeseen risks and events which could affect the critical path of the project implementation. This allows the project to adjust and enhance the direction of its work plan, to maximise the quality of its deliverables and increase the potential for long-term impact.
Our EU network have developed and tested an innovative and structured methodology for monitoring and evaluating the progress of each project deliverable and the overall project performance, measuring its success against key performance indicators. We can act in support to workpackage leaders in the design and implementation of a comprehensive evaluation plan and an evaluation report at the end of the project.
Our Comprehensive EU Funding Services
» Mapping of EU Public Grants & Private Loans Opportunities
» Project Analysis & Assessment of Eligibility in Light of Available Funding
» Drafting Applications to EU Call for Proposals & Tenders
» Consortium Building & Management
» Project Implementation & Reporting
» Dissemination of Project Outcomes & External Communication
» Monitoring Results & Impact Evaluation
» Project Identity & Websites Set Up
» Influencing Decision Makers on Future Funding Priorities
» Investor Readiness Assessment & Commercial Potential of Project Results
» Investors Matchmaking (Corporate, Business Angels, Venture Capitalists)
» Preparation for Investment Pitches & Coaching Sessions to Improve Business Plans
» Risk Analysis (Market, Financial, Entrepreneurial) & Legal Due Diligence
» Advice on Intellectual Property Rights Management & CE Marking Process
» Definition of Exit Strategies & Exploitation Plans
Interested in working together? Contact Jacob KOBUS, we respond to every email we receive and are looking forward to hearing from you.